Get involved!

Not only is being part of IEEE a lot of fun, but it looks fantastic on a resume, allows you to network with other engineers, helps you to get internships and jobs, and many, many other things.

To get involved, like our facebook page to stay up to date with current events:
and join our Google Groups page to add your own voice outside of meetings

All you have to do is come to our meetings, have a great time, and bring your friends!

We also highly recommend joining IEEE at a national level by visiting and signing up for a membership there. The cost for students is around $30 a year and is invaluable.

Industry and Research Members:
We would love to get you on campus and talking about your company, the work that you do, and get you and the students talking.  We are also looking for sponsors for the design competition. Please send an email to Dr. Siddharth Suryanarayanan (see his webpage here: