Sunday, October 19, 2014

Arduino Workshop #2 THIS WEDNESDAY!

Workshop 2 is coming up THIS WEDNESDAY, October 22nd!

The workshop will be held at 7:00pm in Scott 231. As usual, FREE pizza is provided!

For this workshop, you will need your Arduino kit OR the following list of items:

  • Computer
  • Arduino
  • 3 LEDs (preferably red, yellow, and green)
  • 5 resistors, 3x 330 ohm and 2x 10k ohm
  • 2 Pushbuttons
  • Jumpers/wires (we will have some extra as well)
  • Breadboard (or mini breadboard)
This workshop will cover digital I/O as well as some basic electronics principles. Join us in Scott 231 or watch LIVE on our twitch channel:

If you missed the first workshop, YOU CAN STILL COME! These are meant to be well-rounded workshops for people of all skill levels.

If you don't have a kit or some of the hardware, come and buddy up with a partner!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Arduino Workshop 1

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Arduino workshop today! It was great fun for us and it seemed like everyone was excited. We certainly are.

Anyway, the resources from that workshop (PowerPoint presentation, code files, and a complete recording of the session) are now posted on the Open Design Competition Workshop Page.