Sunday, October 19, 2014

Arduino Workshop #2 THIS WEDNESDAY!

Workshop 2 is coming up THIS WEDNESDAY, October 22nd!

The workshop will be held at 7:00pm in Scott 231. As usual, FREE pizza is provided!

For this workshop, you will need your Arduino kit OR the following list of items:

  • Computer
  • Arduino
  • 3 LEDs (preferably red, yellow, and green)
  • 5 resistors, 3x 330 ohm and 2x 10k ohm
  • 2 Pushbuttons
  • Jumpers/wires (we will have some extra as well)
  • Breadboard (or mini breadboard)
This workshop will cover digital I/O as well as some basic electronics principles. Join us in Scott 231 or watch LIVE on our twitch channel:

If you missed the first workshop, YOU CAN STILL COME! These are meant to be well-rounded workshops for people of all skill levels.

If you don't have a kit or some of the hardware, come and buddy up with a partner!